High performance racing engines

The HRS Engine Development shop is fully equipped for flow-testing the intake and exhaust ports of cylinder heads and combustion chambers of internal-combustion engines. SuperFlowTMflowbenches are used to optimize the airflow through cylinder heads, manifolds, carburetors and fuel injection systems.


Although HRS Engine Development contracts out the boring of blocks, the honing of the blocks is done in-house. All blocks are bored at 0.004 inches undersize. During the process of honing, dummy cranks and BHJ torque plates are used to most closely simulate the stresses induced on the cylinder wall by the cylinder head when it is torqued in place. In this way, cylinders remain perfectly straight and round when the engine is performing under real working conditions.

The shop offers both the knowledge and devices to ‘magnaflux’ the engine’s crank and rods in order to find any possible surface defects or subsurface discontinuities. This process is known as magnetic particle inspection or MPI. Furthermore, the shop has the capacity to line-hone the main bores of the block to ensure the mains are perfectly aligned.

After the engine has been built, it is warmed up, retorqued and fine-tuned on the shop’s SuperFlowTMSF-902S engine dynamometer. No engine leaves the shop without its owner being provided with a full report on the dyno tests results.

To maximize the efficiency and horsepower of your internal-combustion engine, we have recently acquired a KINGTMdistributor test machine, which enables us to test various distributors and build the advance curves to suit your engine. Although we are not specialized in electronic fuel injection systems, we do have the means to offer adequate service in the field of constant flow and Lucas-timed mechanical fuel injection systems.

Of course, we have full knowledge of both HolleyTMand WeberTMcarburetors, for which we can also provide parts.For further information, please contact us at hrs@enginedevelopment.nl or hrs@planet.nl or give us a call at (31) 495-545-662.

Test equipment
Test equipment